Attention!! Dog Treats Recall!!
 Hartz Chicken Chews and Hartz Oinkies Pig Skin Twists wrapped with Chicken for dogs in the United States because they contain trace amounts of antibiotic residue

What’s Being Recalled?

All Hartz® Chicken Chews™ Soft and Tenders:
  • 3.5 oz package
  • 8 oz package
  • 16 oz package
  • 24 oz package
  • 20 oz package

All Hartz® Chicken Chews™ Soft and Tender Bite Sized:
  • 5.7 oz package
  • 16 oz package
  • 16 oz package

All Hartz® Oinkies® Pig Skin Twists wrapped with Chicken
  • 20 pack Pig Skin Twist Sticks
  • 7 pack Mini Pig Skin Twists wrapped with Chicken
  • 15 pack Mini Pig Skin Twists wrapped with Chicken
  • 5 pack Pig Skin Twists wrapped with Chicken

No other Hartz products are affected by the withdrawal.

What to Do?
If you have these products contact Hartz Consumer Affairs at 800-275-1414.
Or go to http://www.fda.gov/petfoodcomplaints 

    I've been trying to figure out the best dog food for Noah and Serafina. During my researching, I found this awesome website that rates dog food basic off of ingredients and meat content. There is a tab on their website where you can add your email and they will notify you of dog food/snacks recalls which is also awesome!  http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/

Today I received an email saying Princess Serafina was accepted for AKC registration. She originally came with a registration form for America's Pet Registry Inc. Which I have never heard of and I read mixed reviews on them online. So I did research on her, got copies of her parents registration certificates from APRI, made a copy of my bill of sale, took a picture of her and emailed all information I had to AKC at [email protected]  They emailed me back six days later saying they did their research and she is eligible for AKC!! Woo-hoo!! I was surprised at how fast they got back with me. I told Serafina's breeders the news and they said they just heard they were able to research it last week from another pup owner. So they are now looking into it. I guess the sire had AKC papers but then the previous owners switched to APRI so the current owners of Serafina's sire didn't think they could get the AKC papers back. 
    Yesterday we went shopping for the dogs! Bought a new elevated food and water dish (which grows with the dog), a heavy duty tire toy, two of those big nasty looking bones (which they love and still loving) hopefully that helps their teething teeth :) Then i made a special trip and bought a jug of Nature's Miracle urine stain and odor destroyer. I've never used this product before but I found online on numerous websites it had great reviews so let's hope it works. It's supposed to destroy old and new stains and odors. Which we have old ones from a previous indoor pig and Great Dane and I've noticed Noah likes to urinate in about the same area that I remembered the pig and Great Dane having accidents. I followed the directions on the jug, plus later I added it to my water and soap in my carpet cleaner and cleaned my carpets. Well actually I just did the living room and dining room which took forever so today I get to finish the rest of the house.
The food and water dishes
Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer
    I'm so excited to start this new journey in life. When I was younger I bred Bichon Frises, so breeding English Mastiffs will be a whole different experience. Last weekend we purchased King Noah our first male and Princess Serafina our first female. Right now they are way to young to breed, but I think it would be neat for future puppy owners to see our Sires and Dams grow so they can get an idea of how the "moms" and "dads" of their new pups looked and what sizes to expect so i'm already preparing this website and our facebook page. Keep checking back with our website and facebook page for updates and blog posts. I'll share all kinds of ideas about English Mastiffs, puppies, house training, adult dogs, and i'll also post about the process we are going through training Noah and Serafina. I have plans for Serafina to be trained as a therapy dog, and Noah trained as a therapy dog and protection dog. I'm currently researching trainers and their programs before picking one to enroll in. I can't wait!! Anyways its time to log off, the family and pups are hungry. Please "like" our facebook page at:

**In no way are we trained or educated professionals, anything on our facebook page or website is only our thoughts or ideas please use your best knowledge when repeating anything discussed on our website or facebook page. We are not held responsible for any results. I do my best of staying educated about the English Mastiffs breed by researching online, reading books, asking questions at the vet's office and other breeders and any other way I can learn**


    Raising My "Second Babies"

      By: Danielle 

     About me:
     I am a stay at home mother of two children, and breeder of my "second babies" English Mastiffs with my husband Mike the co-owner and supporter.


    February 2013
    January 2013

